Hi everyone, I would like to take a few moments to review the services offered by Advanced Moving and Transport LLC. I was fortunate to find these guys on craigslist before my big move in the Colorado Springs area. When I first called to ask about pricing they were professional, friendly, and helpful in answering all of my questions. After comparing prices with other big name companies in the springs, I was happy with the price Corey Payton offered. I was charged $80 an hour with a two-hour minimum, and a $50 flat rate for fuel costs. The price included two men, moving materials, and a large moving truck. Unlike other companies, Advanced Moving and Transport begins the hourly charge as soon as they arrive at your residence instead of charging customers as soon as they leave their premises. The men disassembled my furniture, wrapped pictures, covered furniture, and reassembled my furniture at my new place. Advanced Moving and Transport is also Veteran owned, which was another factor that played into my decision. I couldn’t be happier with my choice! So, if you’re planning a move please consider choosing Advanced Moving & Transport LLC. Their number is (719) 331-4493. Also, let them know if this review helped in making your decision. Thanks, Kyleigh Hamilton