Hi, I’m Rich and I’m the founder and owner of Advanced Service Company. In the many years, I have spent creating a reputation in this community I have found the most important thing about this company is the impact we can have on the community and the difference we can make in people's lives. Our desire above all is to leave you, our valued customer, with a feeling that there are many people who care about you, and I just happen to be one of them. Hi, I’m Mark. I have been working at Advanced Service Company for practically as long as I can remember. I enjoy being able to spend time taking care of all of our customers in a way that makes both the customer and I, feel like we’ve been lifelong friends. Working here doesn’t feel like work, rather a dream come true. Never could I have imagined I could feel more at home at work than I do in my own home. I look forward to having you as a part of this family of people touched by Advanced.