In 1999, I was a 29-year-old woman who had to have a hysterectomy and was sure that my dreams of being a mother were over. I always knew I wanted to have a baby but thought that the time and cost of adoption would not allow that to happen. In 2010 I married the love of my life, while we didn’t know much about adoption, we knew we wanted to get started, expecting that it was going to take us years to find a baby. We contacted multiple adoptions entities but the Adoption Network was the one entity that we had the most connection with. We started our process in February with our Consultant, who was amazing in helping us with getting all of our paper work complete, we then worked with the marketing to get on the websites in April, and then on May 23, our Advisor contacted us to let us know that we had been selected by a birthmother, and on June 29, our baby girl Grace was born.\r
Our baby girl just turned a year old and we thank God every day for the blessings that she brings to our liv