If you happen to be in Lucerne Valley at dinner time, you might want to stop at this Mexican Restaurant and check it out for yourself. There are lots of Mexican dinner plates to choose from. The HOT dishes are marked with a Red Pepper symbol. A whole page of Sea Food dishes, with 15 shrimp entrées to pick from, which includes a Shrimp Soup, a Shrimp appetizer, and Shrimp in a Sea Food Salad. (I'm starting to sound like Bubba in Forrest Gump.) Everything is delicious that we have tried so far. The servings are so big, we take half home for a great lunch the next day. I think the locals are the only ones who know about this restaurant, so the word needs to get out for the rest of us, so we can start filling up their parking lot. They serve breakfast also, which we have not tried as yet.