I hope this rating offers enough space for the details concerning the poor workmanship and snake oil business methods of this company. (Just an aside but the previous rating from charlotteguy seems like a business plant.)\r
1: The employees are NEVER on time. They show up at 9 or 10am (whatever suits them) looking like they just rolled out from under an overpass.\r
2: When they do arrive, within 30 minutes they are back in the customers driveway smoking cigarettes and swilling Gatorade (the remnants of both often left for other trades to clean up or worse for the homeowner).\r
3: They use NO floor protection. Tracking muddy boots across the floor without any care seems to be commonplace. Of course they have no problems using the floor coverings of other trades even wiping their feet on the drop cloths. \r
4: They put tools, batteries and other item on the clients furniture without any thought to the dirt and potential damage. \r
5: They are rude and surly at best and the younger ones are prone to start conflicts with other trades out of spite because the owner has not taken it upon himself to put them in their place. \r
6: They are painfully slow about everything with the exception of leaving for one of their dozen breaks. A simple system install in a full attic with no other vent work to deal with takes weeks even with a 5 or 6 person crew. Of course, when 30 minutes of smoke breaks are consumed for every hour of work in a 4 or 5 hour work day (they do not stay past 4pm)...what do you expect. \r
7: They leave a mess in their wake and spend more time hooking up and unhooking temporary heat and air than they do actually installing the new system. \r
What a debacle. We give out references all the time but after watching this comedy of errors will never give out the name of Adams for anything. Maybe when the owner was involved the company care more about their work ethic and the behavior of the employees. Obviously the current management is just there for sales and to massage angry clients after they have been taken for a ride.