When the usual chiropractic care was not effective in relieving my back pain, Dr. Adamec suggested an MRI. After reviewing the technical MRI report he determined I was an ideal candidate (having decompressed lumbar discs), for Cox Therapy. I agreed to give it a try. With 2 sessions not yet completed I am delighted to state that I am already a 'new person'. From being unable to lie down comfortably, unable to sit for more than a few minutes at a time and experiencing pain when walking, I can now sit for 9 hours at my job, sleep comfortably and walk without pain. The therapy worked exactly the way it was described. I know the discs are still compressed, but now there's more room for them, so I am not in pain. I expect that by continuing the exercise regimen and nutritional supplements with monthly maintenance I'll continue feeling like a 'new person'.\r