Isn't it interesting that people will be bold enough to crucify a business that someone has put their heart and sole into to be the best they can be, but too chicken to reveal their identity????? Maybe you should be more interested in being a positive role model for your child instead of allowing them to see, and I'm sure, hear you, tear up others. Adagio dance is a very positive studio. I should know, my daughter has been to some REAL awful ones. She is getting better training here than anywhere she has ever been. Because she isn't an outstanding student, she was always put in back and told she would ""get it"" . She didn't, and no one tried to help her. Unlike this chicken in the previous letter, I do not wish to name names. But, my experience has been, that if your child is not a prodigy, don't expect them to learn anything. At Adagio, my daughter is finally improving. She has been there for 2 years, and her last recital showed amazing progress. Miss Jennifer takes extra care to make sure every child ""gets it"". She teaches technique, which seems to be a foreign word at most studios. Who ever you are, you shouldn't condemn other people for their emotions. You would cry too if you lost the most important person in your life. I hope you go to another studio, she'll find out how much attention and training her daughter was really getting!!!!
Pros: everything
Cons: nothing