I have used acupuncture as a healing and pain relieving treatment for several decades. A bad car accident over a year ago left me with a broken back, compression fractures of two lumbar vertebrae. After more than a month in a hospital and a skilled rehabilitation facility I still had a great deal of back pain. Samantha O'Brien began regular acupuncture treatments that gave me great relief from that pain. Now, I am able to walk several miles six days a week. I have attained a level of healing and comfort that, at the time of my accident, I never expected to enjoy again. Samantha's skills are not limited to back pain. I had a back molar tooth extracted and the oral surgeon gave me vicodin painkillers with instructions to take two before the local anesthetic wore off, sleep and then eat and take two more pills and sleep some more. Samantha said she could treat me with acupuncture so I would not need the narcotic painkillers. The day after the tooth extraction, she slid her tiny needles into my hand and foot. It was as though she had flipped a switch that short circuited my jaw pain. After a second treatment two days later, I no longer needed the vicodin piils. When Samantha is treating me, she always plays gentle zen music and puts a couple needles into my scalp that lull me off to a sound nap as the needles do their work. Samantha is a skilled healer and caring person who treats both body and soul. I highly recommend her to any and all.