The National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization Recognize Acupuncture's Effectiveness for Over 55 Conditions. Traditional Chinese Medicine Includes Acupuncture Which Involves Inserting Fine Sterile and Disposable Needles in Specific Points that They Have Had Mapped on An Acupuncture Chart for Over 2000 Years. Acupuncture is Safe and Effective When Done by a Competent, Trained, Certified Professional. Acupuncture Needles are Hair Thin and Insertion is Practically Painless.
Double Blind Scientific Studies Based on Western Medicine Have Proven the Effectiveness of Acupuncture and Acupuncture Pressure Points. It is Theorized that It Increases Circulation, Reduces Inflammation, Regulates Hormones, Stimulates Tissue Growth, Regulates Neurotransmitters, and Stimulates Regulatory Centers. Your First Visit Will Include An in Depth Assessment of Your Medical History, Health Concerns, and a Basic Acupuncture Treatment if Indicated. A Detailed Treatment Plan that Considers the Complexities and Nuances of Your Case Will Be Developed Before, and Pursued During, Follow Up Visits.
* Natural Pain Relief
* Arthritis
* Carpal Tunnel
* Tennis Elbow
* Golf Injuries
* Sports Injuries
* Sciatica
* Allergies
* Infertility
* Addiction Treatment
* Alcoholism
* Nicotine Dependence
* Colitis
* Menopause
* Migraine
* Headache
* Stress Relief
* Insomnia
* Common Cold and Flu
* Chronic Fatigue
* Firbromyalgia
* Morning Sickness
* Digestive Disorder s
* Treating Depression Naturally
* Natural Weight Loss
* Many Others