Discovering the effectiveness of acupuncture has been a journey. After years of sinus drip and concern over long term use of decongestants, I turned to acupuncture as an alternative method of treatment. Within six weeks, my sinuses were clear and my sense of smell returned.\r
Realizing that I responded well to acupuncture, I asked the acupuncturist to work with me to ease menopausal symptoms that were becoming disruptive to my work day and home life. Over a two month period, much to my amazement, I found that the acupuncture treatment caused these symptoms to subside, experiencing a mild hot flash only occasionally.\r
With consistent treatment, I have been delighted with the residual effects of acupuncture treatment: my energy level is even, I don?t experience fatigue, I sleep through the night, and now I am just beginning to experience weight loss (this is a good thing!).\r
My personal experience with acupuncture treatment has shown me that over time, a ?balance? occurs, so much so, that it gently shifts the body to a place where it functions normally and efficiently.\r
Needless to say, to achieve these results without the use of Rx pills reinforces the effectiveness and healthy approach to long-term health that acupuncture provides.
Pros: Great Results
Cons: little too far from Boston, but close to work.