Physical Therapy is the treatment of a patient's physical dysfunction, weakness, or injury by the use of therapeutic exercise and the application of modalities, intended to restore or facilitate normal function or development or enhance performance.
Our therapists understand that the patient is part of the treatment team. As a team member we believe the patient should be given a clear understanding of their problem, and an education regarding how treatment works. Those factors combined with high quality therapy ensure patient improvement. At Action we use advanced technology, comprehensive knowledge, high quality treatment skills, and common sense to treat our patients.
Action Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation specializes in:
Physical Therapy Services
Manual Therapy
3-D Mechanical Traction
Arthritis Treatments
Work Conditioning
Pre-Employment Screenings
Personal Fitness
Fitness Maintenance Program
Sports Medicine
Massage Therapy
Post Surgical Rehab
Post-rehab Therapy
Pain Management
Functional Capacity Evaluations
At ATS you will never wonder if you are in a health club, gym, or in a physical therapy center. While we have exercise equipment, we don?t send our patients out do perform circuit training and watch them from across the room. We are there by your side keeping you in the proper position to achieve maximum results. We believe if you just need a gym, why not join one for $19.95 a month? If you need a therapist, see us.
Ask about our new weight management program!
Call or visit our website today for more details.
Specialists In Pain Management, Specialist In Pain Management