I felt the need to reply to the mean, misguided and inappropriate comments from a former (and very disgruntled) employee. Action Computers has been in business since February of 1994; we have a perfect record with Tom Martino?s Referral List at the Troubleshooter network. We have been members of these organizations for many years and firmly believe that taking care of our customers is the most important reason for our success. They come first, period. I am so proud of all our employees because of their shared belief in always taking care of our customers. I invite any of you to come here, talk to our employees, see our stores, research us online, and ultimately judge for yourself the kind of company we are. Please don?t rely on the negative remarks of an angry former employee who seems to have nothing better to do than spread lies about us online. We are proud of our many years serving customers all over with computer sales, recycling and service and also supporting several local charities. We invite you to see for yourself what we are all about. We are grateful and thank you for your support.