Our Mold Problem
On January 2, 2011 after taking a shower I noticed a rash on my feet and ankles. I also had sinusitis symptoms for the weeks preceding the noticeable rash. I went to the Dr. on January 3rd to address the sinus symptoms (also had a slight fever and sore throat). The Dr. didn’t want to put me on steroids to address the rash as he felt it would be detrimental to my body’s ability to fight the cold and fever. I began researching possible causes for the rash and recalled seeing what looked like mold on the dartboard in the finished basement. The more I looked into the symptoms of mold exposure, the more it looked like the possible cause. Between the two of us we had many of the classic symptoms, persistent sinusitis, rash, fatigue, burning eyes, headaches, shortness of breath, IBS, occasional sore throat, tremors, ear aches, difficulty concentrating and sputum. Based on my symptoms (more specific to the spreading rash) and the visible mold, we vacated the home on January 5th.
I immediately contacted Mold Aid in Gainesville, VA to schedule an air quality test and they were on site the very next evening. John Taylor and Glen did a complete inspection of the home, collecting air samples on each floor and samples of visible mold. John found visible mold on chair fabric as well as books in the bookcase. John and Glen also tested moisture levels in the home and found elevated levels at the front basement wall. Further inspection revealed a water stain on the carpet, rusty carpet tack strips and visible mold around the electrical outlet. John didn’t open up the front wall for a visible inspection as his nine years of mold remediation experience told him that would be where the highest concentration of mold would be. Mold Aid was able to view inside the ductwork and provide pictures of visible mold growth. Mold Aid Diagnosed and Remediated A Serious Mold Problem. We are happy to be home