Driving my car to the market with 2 small kids in car seats. Redneck, hillbilly at the wheel of Accent Auto van with license plate 2DJ9453 apparently does not like my political views. (The last time I checked this was still America & the 1st amendment had not been repealed.) He speeds up coming within inches of my bumper and follows me for approximately 1/2 mile; I was going 15 miles above the speed limit in the passing lane and there were cars in front of me. I'm used to aggressive driving but this was just insane. At the last minute he changes into the right lane, follows me side-by-side & curses me along with blaring his horn, followed by a thumbs down. I was dialing the phone to contact 911 fearing he would hit us (or pull out a gun); fortunately, he just kept on going. (My son was able to get the company details & license plate so I could post the review). If this is any indication of their professionalism, I certainly would avoid them AT ALL COSTS. While you might contract for detailing, your brake lines may be cut if your views don't match theirs.