Our Legendary Client Service ……. “More than the client expects, More than the situation warrants” Now you can save time, money and hassle when you make your vacation travel arrangements with Academy Travel USA. You work all day, probably come home fix dinner, do homework with your children, put them to bed and then start combing the internet for your up coming vacation. Why? When one call to Academy Travel USA can find that perfect vacation for the best possible price with added value! At Academy Travel USA we can handle all your vacation planning – airline tickets, hotels, rental cars, personal vacations: tours and cruises, so that you have time for more important tasks. For your convenience we are open 9 am – 6 pm Monday – Friday and our website is open 24/7 at www.AcademyTravelUSA.com We will gladly handle all your last minute reservation and ticketing needs. Best of all, Academy Travel can help save you money. We can get the best and we can also meet while in some cases beat the internet pricing, especially when it comes to international travel airline tickets! We can help plan your much needed vacation as well getting the best possible rates with added value to your vacation package! Best of all – no service fee with vacation travel! Academy Travel USA specializes in group tours, cruises, seminars@sea cruise program, individual reservations. Personal vacations International airline tickets Airlines, Amtrak or Domestic tickets Personal cruises vacations