I'm a graduate of the Academy Of Animal Arts (2004) and have to comment on how much Teri, Corrine and all the wonderful teachers and lecturers taught me all the skills and care needed to become a successful dog groomer, to which I am today. Teri still to this day is always available to receive/or return my phone calls if I need some advice about my business or a problem dog I'm dealing with, or just to get her valuable opinion about the grooming industry. I am amazed to read the negative comment left by someone who obviously isn't telling a true story. First off, I was never favored by Teri and her staff any more the the next student. All instructors adore the animals that come thru there doors and have always treated the owners, the animals AND the students with respect,care and concern about what the dog grooming school if all about. All students receive all the attention and instruction you need to succed in the profession, both during class and well into your career, if you so choose to persue it, as I did. The lecturers are outstanding,and Teri is able to put together some of the best professionals in the industry. People who are breeders, top veteranarians, dog show judges,massage therapists, whose teaching was full of information in there field and how it pertains to the animal grooming business. When I think back to what was offered at this school, I got more than I ever expected to get, and still get the support from the day I graduated. Teri has a wealth of experience and knowledge in the business,and would never hesitate to help anyone of the students during class or after class. I know that for some of my class mates,she found affordable places for them to stay, where they could get part time jobs while attending school,and most all of the graduates ,she found jobs for that were well paying. She even had a leacturer who was a Chartered Account speak to the class about opening your own salon. I checked other schools out before deciding on the Academy of Animal Arts..I'm not sure any of them even came close to what was offered here. Corrine, Teri's lead instructor, is a wonderful,caring patient teacher,whom I understand that Teri taught and brought her up into the school as a young girl. Corrine was like a Teri double. The instruction I have recieved while at the school has changed my life...I have a succesful grooming business,with successful groomers, 2 of which are graduates of Teri's school also. There were no cockroaches,or bugs, only animals that had as much fun being there as we as students were. I'm thankful I attended the Academy of Animal Arts,and would not hesitate to recommend the school and its faculty of fine people, who compliment the school and the industry. Thanks again Teri/Corrine for all you and yours have done to make my career a success over the years. Cindy S