tomorrow is my youngest sons 24th birthday. He was born at coffeyvilles hospital, so long ago! and every year of course, i think of that hospital stay.. it was one of the better hospital experiances i ever had. all the people were very nice, the way you would expect people who work taking care of sick people would be. and the labor and all that wasnt perfect of course, but very comforted and assisted in ways that were just so very personal and showed, as a whole community, what kind of people lived inand around coffeyville. things like extra pillows and back and foot rubs and someone with a tape player who put on the sounds of the ocean or rainstorms or something like that. and on the last evening before the checkout day i would be taking my new baby home, never to see any of them again, they set up a little dining room type setting for me and also for my husband, for a quiet little personal dinner they provided for the new parents, making sure to include him as part of the importance of it,, . it was the only time, in four children of experiencing such a considerate and thoughtful staff show of love for the new parents that they saw for three days,, (it was still three days at that tiime!) one couple and their new baby at a time, and i will never forget how thoughtful and way beyond anything they, and the hospital as a whole, of course, ever would have been expected of doing, let alone just because they wanted to... i was so surprised and i still have the little name card, and mostly burned candle that was on the table... i dont know if they still do such silly little thiings but i sure hope they never stopped... it was such a special thing to do for me, and also for my (ex) husband on the birth of our youngest child.... happy birthday aaron..... luv to all of you... and thankyou to coffeyville's hospital for doing such a wonderful and special thing for me.