I hired Able movers this past weekend to move my one bedroom apartment in Aurora to a one bedroom condo in Denver. First, after I initially set up my moving appointment I was frusterated that I didn't hear anything from them, so I called to confirm a few days before. All is good, confirmed to 8:30am. I thought it would be great to get everything done in the morning so I could have the afternoon to unpack. The movers didn't show up until 9:45am (over an hour late!) and not in an Able Moving truck, but a UHAUL. I assume they were late because they had to rent a UHAUL that morning as well as the moving blankets and equipment. So now that we get started 1.5 hours late, I thought that things would go quickly. Everything was packed and stacked and ready for the truck. We didn't end up leaving Aurora until noon. I got to the new place, waited around for them and their truck and 15 minutes later they called and said that they were around the corner at the gas station taking a lunch, time that they required me to pay for after all said and done!!! About 35 minutes after that, they show at the new place and begin to unpack, not getting done until 3:30pm. One bedroom condo. 6 HOURS. The guys were nice and friendly, but things went so poorly it didn't matter.