Completely unprofessional in every means possible. Calling their office is a futile attempt at trying to reach someone as they have no phone attendant. Calls are directed to your buildings property manager as long as you know what extension to dial; however, a message left is a guaranteed phone call unreturned.
Their billing practices are unscrupulous. I've been fighting (via email) made up fees (charged by Aberdeen, not my HOA) and late charges for months. They just sent me a notice that they will start the process of foreclosure on my property for a $200 repair bill, which they never sent me. This is on a near $1,000,000 property in West Hollywood... foreclosure, really?!
If your building is considering using this company, I'd beg them to look elsewhere. My HOA has canceled it's contract with them and is looking into suing for damages and violation of homeowners rights.
Lynette is the criminal/property manager from Aberdeen who handles my HOA.