By training, expertise, experience and temperament, Steve Kennebeck and his stable of subject matter experts can help any business that is prepared and determined to change for the better or one that finds itself in crisis without a rational plan to deal with it. A proven process awaits those with an interest in the best outcomes from less than cheery facts and situations whether they originate in regulation, safety, claims, litigation, training, mediation, risk assessments, planning for transitions in management approach and continuous maintenance of the process, beginning to end.\r
Aasgard Summit acts as a critical intermediary in many processes and acts to move the interests of the client closer to satisfactory issue resolution, causation remediation and to provide other recommendations that the client can pursue independently or with Aasgard's assistance to avoid exposures to a myriad of known and emerging exposures.\r
The best way for a business is to use the services of Aasgard Summit is BEFORE there is a need to manage a problem. Their assessment process will point to areas of needed intervention BEFORE there is a problem that distracts management from their principal role as manager of the business, not management of crises.\r
Change is never easy and requires vision, determination, and ambition. It is better to have a road map and assistance in getting where you want to be rather than to resign your business to management by guessing. I strongly recommend the principal of the consulting firm and the process if you are interesting in the management something other than recurring and crippling problems that can be avoided or mitigated. Good luck if you decide to go it alone.
Pros: Strong in building relationships necessary to provide the best results.
Cons: May not press you for change if you simply aren't interested, but you should be.