For around $12.50 a year you can become a member of AARP. You will receive a membership card, member magazine, the Bulletin newsletter, free and low-cost publications, discounts to pharmacy, insurance, and investments. You will enjoy using your membership card for discounts to hotels, motels, and car rentals. There are also some entertainment, amusement parks, and zoos that will give you discounts when they see your AARP card. You will get a list of these businesses so you will know where you can use your card. You will also receive a Member Benefits Guide to AARP membership. There are many travel products to take advantage of, such as car rentals, airlines, cruises, and resorts. There are so many benefits to being a member of AARP that I haven't even began to take advantage of all their services. Go to for more information, or write to them at their Membership Center in Lakewood, CA 90712, on 3200 E. Carson Street. Their National Headquarters in located in Washington, DC 20049, on 601 E. Street, NW . When you become of age, you will automatically start receiving mail about AARP. They are worth joining. They keep you up-to-date on political issues, like the new Medical Plan D for Medicare. The AARP Magazine has a lot of useful ads and articles appropriate to 50 year olds and up. You know, the baby boomers!