If you are a serious lap swimmer and want a place to do some serious lap swimming beware as you are in for a surprise. During the winter months when it is cold, overcast and raining you will have no problems at all! You might even have a lane to yourself.
But if you expect that same atmosphere year round you are in for a surprise. During the summer months there are programs galore. Programs for kids, lot's of kids, diving programs, meets, babies. Kids are bused in from what appears to be East LA. All serious lap swimmers are now pushed out even though you've paid your steep dues. Yep. You are now out of a place to do laps.
Also, men bring their little girls into the men's locker room while everyone is standing around naked and trying to shower in the open communal shower room. Little boys and girls are allowed to study the naked men right there in the communal shower room. Bringing this to the attention of management will do NOTHING!
Screaming kids, snow cones and now a cafe, kids running all over the place including the locker rooms isn't what I bargained for when I paid my 6 months dues in advance.
So, with all of this in mind, I suggest you expect only to do laps, serious laps between October 1st through April 31st. After that, you better find something else.
Good luck.