Patient first on mechanicsville is the worst astablishment in richmond I came in due to a fall I had earlier that day I was seen by a asian woman so she said let's take exrays I new I had no broken bones if I did I wouidnt of made it there than she act as if she's never examine a woman before and I told her were all the pain was she simpleylisten to my breathing and that was it she didn't check my swoolen pelvic or hip so I went back to the. Room expeceting to see her but I didn't she sent a Tec in wit a sling to put over my swollen sholder and told her to tell me to use ice and take ibprofen for pain. I'm having spasms as I. Type it was the worst experience of my life and I'm still in pain lots of it they need to be exposed fr there. neglagents and carless actions....