Dear anyone considering State Farm,
I would like everyone to know I was in a car accident January 2010. Yesterday, I got a letter from the DMV saying my license was being suspended December 29th due to not having any insurance.. However, I never knew I was without insurance. I spoke with everyone at Steve Merritt who knew from the moment of the accident that at my next renewal, they would be dropping me off their coverage(though to reiterate, I never knew this). I spoke to everyone regarding this issue, but it was to no avail. Apparently, I was sent a letter in October stating i would no longer have coverage, which i never received. So since November 14th I have been without insurace. Today, I just got done paying 175$ to the DMV(5$ for every day I was without insurance) and 185$ to my new insurance group for only liability which was the cheapest I could find considering I am put in a high risk group now due to my lapse in insurance for over 30 days. Thank you Steve Merritt state farm. I have been with out insurance for over a month and I never knew it. If you drop a customer after 9 yrs of doing business with you due to one accident that happened almost 2 yrs ago, the least you could do is a courtesy call to let me know you are no longer covering me! No one deserves what they have put me through!