Stay far away from this business it designed and set up to rob you for your money. This is how it begins, first they have what is called a PRS (a sales person) that comes out to the call or he may wait around the corner until the technician calls him.The technician will purposely not clear the drain and act as if he is trying to clear the drain, 99% of the jobs here are sold off of lies that the PRS’s tell you. They’ll tell you, you have major root damage in your clay or cast iron pipes and they want to repair it to get more money (charging for an extreme service that is not necessary for the job). The PRS’s to watch out for is Andy, a very smooth talking gentleman that does not know anything about plumbing or drains, Daniel is a polite talking gentleman and jokester, Luke is the everything is broken guy and it’s all bad. Collin, is the polite talking gentleman,”We are here for you”, only to con you & then there’s Joe. The biggest con artist of them all, the one you really need to watch out for is Dee. He will sell you a liner, water filtration, re-pipe,
when you do not need any of it. The PRS salesman have a required quota every month of $100,00 (they average about $175,000)/ the technicians that do the work have a quota of $30,00 a month (they average about $75,000). The company overhead (mark up price) is triple the price of any other company, they will tell you need a bid calculator, they will say, “Let me talk to my boss”. They will hike up the price faster than you can blink. Any PRS sent to your house is to rob you!! Beware and watch out for technicians that call for additional help. If any of you customers out there FELT as if they been done wrong by RESCUE ROOTER OF ORANGE, Call the CORPORATE number on the INVOICE, ASK to get your MONEY back or take them to court