Like most things nowadays, various forms of insurance can be purchased online. You can get instant quotes, apply for, and even purchase policies. To make sure you get the right amount and type of insurance, our site will allow you to complete the purchasing process, however we suggest you speak with our qualified insurance professionals. We have contractual relationships with many companies to help you find the company that offers the best product for your specific needs and circumstances. When you buy direct via the Internet, phone or mail, it is often on you to figure out which policy is right for you. If you're about to buy a policy but you're not sure that you're making the right decision, it's never a bad idea to run the quotes by one of our agent s who can answer your questions and make appropriate suggestions. He or she can assess the information you've gathered and may even be able to offer you the same types of policies at competitive prices. AMS is designed to be consumer friendly and offer information which will help you in finding the best ideas, information and products. Health Insurance Medicare Life Insurance Long Term Care Employee Benefits