A.M.I.S. strives to fulfill all your cosmetic needs and make a difference in your lives. Our skilled staff of certified specialists knows how to help you reclaim the look and feel of youth.
Contact us to experience the A.M.I.S. difference.
* Acupuncture
* Advanced Laser Hair Removal
* Skin Resurfacing & Skin Tightening
* Botox
* Cosmeceuticals
* Exercise
* Facial Implants - MISx
* Facial Fillers
* Juviderm
* Perlane
* Radiesse
* Restylane
* Personal Training
* Image Consulting
* Facial Lipotherapy
* Lipodissolve
* Manual Therapy
* Mesotherapy
* Hair Regrowth
* Meso-Glow
* Meso-Lift
* Nappage
* Subscission
* Acne
* Age Spots
* Baldness
* Breast Lift
* Brow Lines
* Bunny Lines
* Cellulite
* Chin & Jowls
* Corporal Fat
* Excess Weight
* Eye Pads
* Facial Hair
* Freckles
* Gummy Smile
* Gynecomastia
* Love Handles
* Marionette Lines
* Moles
* Post-Bariatric Sex Changes
* Rhytids
* Scars
* Smoking
* Spider Veins
* Sun Spots
* Telangiectasia
* Venous Lakes
* Wrinkles