santa clara's mercado shopping area first opened up sometime in the mid to late 1990s; i forget exactly when. it has a microcenter, an amc movie theatre, and several food places / restaurants. later, the mercado expanded to include tj maxx home goods. microcenter competes with fry's electronics.
the amc mercado 20 is one (not necessarily _the_ first) of the first megaplexes in the south bay area. listen, the silicon valley is america's _real_ heartland. don't ever forget that! the amc mercado 20 is located in the heart of the silicon valley. keep santa clara weird. from its inception (or whatever you call it), the amc mercado 20 has been stuffed/overstuffed with high school students and junior college students. well, it _is_ right next to mission college. if you have any doubt about what the latest suburban hip hop fashion is, then swing by the mercado 20 and hang around for about 28 minutes. you'll learn if your jeans are baggy enough, if your hat is big enough, crooked enough, and with a flat enough bill. you'll learn whether you need to roll up a pant cuff or throw on some more gold chains or whatever. whereas the amc saratoga 14 (which i believe used to be the saratoga _six_ theatres) is more of a place for young families who are scared of lowered cars and bass, the mercado's a place for teenagers, young adults, and silicon valley yuppies who are too cheap to watch artsy movies at santana row's arthouse theatre but who'd prefer to take advantage of those cool, cheap costco tickets. you _do_ know about them, don't you? costco sells a 2-pack of amc "gold" movie tickets for something like $15. that's a great deal because full price, adult admission at the amc mercado 20 is something like $10. crazy, huh? at that price, it's cheaper to hop in the car, drive around, n' guzzle gas all evening for a good time. yes or no? i'm not too sure.
well, at the amc mercado 20, you can grab some ben & jerry's ice cream or a starbucks corporate coffee drink before the show and even bring your own food and drink into the theatre. that's great. there's an in-n-out at the mercado as well. if you're a silicon valley yuppie couple, you might want to hit up the mexicali grille or tomatina before your show. taxi's also ain't bad. world wrapps is a bit casual. jamba juice hardly qualifies as a date. yoyo sushi is well... just ok. anyway, you can have a pretty good evening at the amc mercado 20. let's all go to the movies!