My neighbor told me about a secret shopping gold mine when she let me know how she could afford to have so many beautiful vintage designer handbags. A-List Designer Resale is awesome for affordable Haute Couture! I purchased 3 authentic classic gorgeous Gucci handbags for under $400.00 - ladies these are so retro and so 1980's all the way and the owner - Dawni is very sweet and gives discounts to repeat shoppers. Anyone in the know is aware that for $400.00 you can get a very tiny bag from Gucci----these are not replicas these are bags that the owner either purchased personally from Neiman's or Gucci, Consignment, or they come from estate sales. A self proclaimed "recovering shopaholic" the owner showed me approximately 400 handbags of different designs and designers - bags that she purchased in her 37 years on earth. The owner told me she started her business to satisfy the only thing she ever felt passionate about - shopping...She has a wonderful story as well as beautiful vinatge designer handbags this lady has me as a customer for life!