Residential Services
* 24 Hour Emergency Service Available
* Additions rewiring
* Alarm Wiring
* Fuse and Breaker Box Replacement
* Generator Installs, Maintenance and Service
* Home Additions
* Home Computer network wiring
* Home Theater Installation
* Meter Base Replacement
* New Circuits
* New Outlets
* Phone Wiring
* Real Estate Closing Repairs
* Remodel rewiring
* Troubleshooting and Repairs
* Tubular Skylights
* TV Cable Wiring
These are our major Commercial Services. If you don't see what you need here, please call us and ask. At AGB Electric, we take pride in our adaptability and service.
* Alterations
* Closed TV Circuits
* Computer Circuits
* Control Wiring
* Emergency Service
* Fiber optics & CAT-5 Cabling
* Fire Alarms
* High Voltage Wiring
* Infra-red Survey
* Maintenance
* New Construction and Installation
* New Electrical Systems
* Power Wiring
* Retail and Commercial Build-Outs
* Trouble Shooting, Testing and Repair
* Upgrades, Renovations and Expansion