Not only does ABC transfer and move BUSINESSES and Residents, They also provide Storage units. Then when people walk away from their units by death or agreement, these items are sorted, then put out for sale in part of the warehouse as a display unit. they are photographed and put on Craigslist, Ebay classifieds, Backpages and more. Just look for the ABC in the listings. Some of these items are NEW from outdated merchandise. They almost give it away. I got a expensive painting for $125.00. the frame and matting would cost over $400. This is a great place for bargains.\r
Call Craig at ABC 612-331-2709. He accepts CASH, ( Visa or Paypal are for purchases over $300.)\r
So far I got New Silk Plants, a Chair with ottoman, a new rolling cabinet for my small TV, NEW 2 cup Mr. Coffee, a Samsung microwave w/ Turntable, a mini Refrigerator, a rolling cart for my VHS movie collection, a Lazy Boy recliner. CASH and Carry is preferred. Delivery can be arranged for an additional charge. Viewing and pickup are on Fridays 10AM-4PM