WE ARE NEVER CLOSED!!! If It Don't Flush Call Us...The Sewage Cleaning Specialist! Do you have Clogged drains, Leaky Faucets, Pipes, Water heaters, Noisy Toilets? We have been in business 20 years! We do Plumbing Repairs, Video pipe/Line Inspecting, Hydro-Tunneling, Hydro-Jetter, Drain cleaning, Video inspecting. We Install, Maintain, Inspect, Sewage Treatment Plants. They are open Monday-Friday from 9:00am to 5pm and on 24 hour, 7 Days a Week, Emergency call! A1-Service Company Of Houma L.L.C 985-876-0504 (office) 985-709-1528 Milford lirette 504-638-8024 Bryce Coleman (Technician) A1servicecompany4769@gmail.com or shellylynnlirette@gmail.com.
- Plumbing & Repairs
- Video Pipe/Line Inspecting
- Hydro-Tunneling
- Hydro-Jetter
- Sewage & Drain Cleaning