Interior Painting, Baseboard, Crown, and Trim Molding Painting, Staining, or Installation Drywall Repair, Installation & Finishing, Ceiling repair and painting, Wood paneling Removal or Painting, Vaulted ceilings and Entryways Painted, Paint Stripping and Removal, Wallpaper removal and Application, Basement painting, mold or mildew solutions, Kitchen cabinets painting or staining, Stairs sanding, stripping, and staining, Interior doors staining, or painting, Varnishing, Fire damage renovation, Water damage solutions, Plaster, Sheetrock, gypsum reparation and painting, Garages painting, and floor coated, Ceramic Tiling, Finish Carpentry, Tile Floors and Backsplash installation, Hardwood and Laminate Floor Installation, Carpet Removal and Installation