My name is Joe Maciarz and I am the owner of A Tutoring Enterprises. I have been tutoring math, physics, chemistry, engineering and computer programming professionally for 20 years online as well as the local Lincoln, Nebraska area.
A Tutoring Enterprises tutors college, high school & middle school students from all over Lincoln. I also mentor highly gifted students with LPS. Tutoring times are strictly by appointment only. I require no month or semester commitment. You can make only one appointment during your whole course if you want, or you can make appointments every day.
At A Tutoring Enterprises you have the choice of coming to my home and I also make house calls, but that does increase your cost. On my website you can find a in depth list of the subjects I cover. CALL A Tutoring Enterprises in Lincoln, NE 877-636-0981! I look forward to preparing you for every class & each test!