SUSHI in New Braunfels!?!?!?! SUSHI in New Braunfels? You bet and it is not too bad either. Better than San Marco's and some items are better than Sushi Zushi in SA. Overall if you need your weekly or monthly fix, head over to A-Tan Sushi on East Commerce St (past the turn towards Gruene).
A-Tan Sushi, give them a try, I think you will be pleased. I was. :)
Note I have tried sushi across this country and in Japan.
3.0 stars out of 5.
It could go higher, as time goes and as Cindy and I eat there more.
If the consistency, service and quality of the food stays the same or increase... so will the ranking.
Right now 3.0 stars.
Pros: Decent SUSHI
Cons: Cost seemed too high.