When I arrived, they said my mother had to be there, I'm only 17. My fiance took me, my mother was watching my son. Before she even got there, he started. He was clearing the needle and got the liquid all over my face and chest, and laughed about it. When they started, he told me to hold my mouth open, I did as he said, as wide as I could, but he complained that it wasn't far enough and had his assistant hold it so far open that my jaw started throbbing. He said I wouldn't feel a thing, but even with the shots, I felt pretty much every bit of it. The male nurse seemed to enjoy stabbing me in the mouth with the saliva suction tube. And everytime I'd make a noise, he'd tell me to be quiet, that it doesn't hurt, and would stab deeper into my tooth with the drill saying 'can you feel this?"" and when i made a noise, he said, ""Just be quiet, it will go by a lot faster if you are silent. "" When I kept the noises at bay, he said ""Look, so much better! It's so much quieter.""
Later on he cleared the needle again and got it into my eye, and wouldn't let me flush it out or rub it. He said it's just liquid, that it doesn't hurt. He also held a conversation with his male nurse saying that he hates whites/blacks/mexicans. No wonder he was so angry.
The doctor that started my rootcanals kept complaining that he was on a deadline, and ended up leaving, letting his nurses finish me up. The finishing product includes a big gap inbetween my fake tooth and my gums that i can stick the tip of my tongue in. When i told the nurse this, she said it's fine, and said come back in 2 weeks, but then said to call them after the 30th due to holidays. I have two temporary caps, and several unfinished teeth.
If I could write a longer review I would, so much happened.
If you're looking for a dentist, go to gentle dentist that's pretty much across the street. Don't make the same mistake I did going to this horrible place.
This is a female writing this, I'm using my fiance's facebook in order to do so.
Pros: No pros.
Cons: Extreamly painful, rude, uncaring staff, racist dentist.