The first and second visit to this shop was pleasant enough. They did not have the dress that my daughter liked in her size and so the owner said that she could order it. She did as she said and the dress arrived promptly, During the first fitting, I noticed the dress was a way larger size than she normally wears but figured there must be a reason, maybe for the length or the bust size. She offered free alterations however so I didn't really question the size of the dress. When we went in to pick it up after they altered it, the dress just did not fit right and the pleats at the top of the dress did not lay right. When my daughter complained about it, the owner kept saying that there was nothing she could do and that it was supposed to be like that. At one point she actually stepped away and when she returned, she accused my daughter of doing something to mess it up because it wasn't like that when she walked off. Basically she just does shoddy work and must not care about return customers...because she will never get my buisness ever again! Now I could have pitched one right then and there but after seeing how horribly she messed it up to begin with...I didn't want her to touch it again. I will just find someone that knows how to do alterations because she certainly does not!