Whether you are preparing for the construction of a new building or looking for meticulous maintenance, A Southern Boys Co. LLC is ready to lend a hand.
There is no substitute for experience when it comes to property improvement, and with over 10 years to draw upon, you can place your trust in us.
Treating your property as our own, our team diligently works to not only meet, but exceed your expectations from start to finish.
Get a variety of services ranging from demolition to bush hogging, Lawn Mowing and Maintenance, Parking lot maintenance and Hole Repair. Your commercial or residential project is never too much for us to handle.. -Residential & Commercial Lawn Mowing & Landscape Maintenance,Road Cutting & Maintenance,Bushhogging,Hydraulic Side Bushhog,All Phases of Tractor Work-Grading,Site Work,Fill Dirt/Top Soil,All Phases of Building & Trailer Demolition,Parking lot Maintenance