Through the care of Dr. Rick & Danae, I'm healthier than I've ever been! Their chiropractic care and nutrional counseling have greatly improved my life and lifestyle. My aches and pains have been eliminated; my flexibility has returned; my hair and skin glow; my allergies are gone; my weight is down; my energy is up. Their style is relaxed, fun and informative - they will share with you all the knowledge that you wish for while caring for you like you are a member of their family. Their prices are reasonable and their office hours are convenient. Both are reachable by phone for questions on the fly and if they don't know the answer (which is rare), they do the research and get back to you. Dr. Rick and Danae have vibrant personalities that infuse their office with positive energy, and encourage patients to improve their health. I highly recommend Dr. Rick and Danae at Rhino Chiropractic.