The company itself is not a good company to work for, when you have the skills for a particular job, now do understand you have the skills. I feel that's bias due to looks is not everything and this company lie's alot. No communcation what so ever, you don't have no view points in anything. It's almost their way or the high-way in which that is so wrong. If you think about getting a job with a company name JPI please don't do it you will be wasting your time. This company abuse their clients in their homes, trust I have seen a lot of evil mess, and this company provied them with workers. I would not send my dog to JPI nor to his company, and trust me this is the only job that this company has is JPI. What comes around goes around and the evil suff that they do is wrong period. I have seen supervisor abuse the clients leave them in hot car while they eatting lunch.
Cons: Communcation