A Mother Goose Academy is a preschool nestled in the heart of San Fernando Valley serving children ages 2-6. We offer complete preschool experience with age appropriate curriculum and extra-curricular activities including music, dance, soccer and Taekwondo.
A Mother Goose Academy provides childcare to families in Valley Village, neighboring NoHo Arts district as well as surrounding areas, including North Hollywood, Burbank, Toluca Lake, Studio City and Sherman Oaks. We are an academically oriented preschool, preparing children for entrance into elementary school, through professionally developed curriculum in math, reading, science and more. We offer a Kindergarten program which prepares children for entrance into 1st grade in private or public schools.
We speak/teach Russian, Armenian, Spanish and Tagalog languages! Call (424) 666-2898 for more information, or stop by for a tour!