About 2 years ago, I filed a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy with Dorothy Bunce at the recommendation of my ex husband and son. I had a lot of credit card debt, but the main reason I agreed to file Chapter 13 was so I could get rid of a huge 2nd mortgage (nearly $250K) and be able to save our beautiful family home from foreclosure. My ex-husband had decided to stop making the house payments, and if the foreclosure had gone through, my wheelchair bound mother would have been thrown out on the street with the rest of the family.
Since I don?t make a lot of money, Dorothy explained that the only way for me to afford to make the mortgage payments was if every family member living in the house agreed to chip in for rent. I was humiliated at having to ask my kids to pay to live at their home, but Dorothy said she would talk to them for me, and she did just that, even preparing the rent paperwork. My heart was touched that all of my children are willing to help save our beautiful family home.
So today, I get an email from Dorothy with a report showing where my Trustee payments have been going - mostly to catch up on the back mortgage. And Dorothy says ?why do you still get a tax refund, it?s just money you are throwing away that you could keep?? And she explains how I can get $12 more in each weekly paycheck and not have to give up a $600 tax refund to the Trustee. Now $12 a week might not be alot of money to most people, but it is a lot of money to me. That means I can take my mom to get her nails done every couple of weeks if she wants, or make her a special meal for holy days. And out of nowher. Dorothy notices that I shouldn?t be losing this money, understands that an extra $12 will help me out, and takes the time to let me know what to do to keep this money.
We are immigrants to the US and I do no have any other experience with American legal system. My attorney Dorothy Bunce has treated me and my family with kindness and respect for my culture, which is very different from her own.
So with the help of my son, I wanted to let everyone know that I appreciate all the things that Attorney Dorothy has done to help me & my family to keep our home & to keep my mother in our own home.