My daughter just finished her driving instruction at A Plus driving academy in brownsburg. The only good thing I have to say is that the online driving course was convenient and easy to use.
We were requirred to sign up at a web site that charged us $10 for the priveledge of scheduling the 6 hours of instructor lead drive times that we paid for. The schedule for drive times is published at random times every couple of weeks, and if you don't log on immediately after they are published, all of the time slots will be taken within a few hours. Don't bother calling to complain, because there is never anyone answering the phones in the office.
The drive instuctors were rude and unfriendly to my daughter during her drives. I saw no improvement in her driving skills after her scheduled drives.
I highly recommend the online drving was thorough and very convenient and is available at several drive schools in Indiana. The service and quality of the drive instruction for A Plus drive academy was not good at all, and I would definately not recommend this school to anyone.