Sometimes You Just Need Some Cool Stuff, Call for a Free Consultation!
Sometimes You Just Need Some Cool StuffWe get it. You have a company event coming up and you need a giveaway that doesn't become a throwaway. Something that keeps reminding the end user who your brand is and what your brand can do for them.A Crowded Coop Has an Odd Name... and we are so sorry if you are baffled. But let's set the record straight. We are not to be confused with a chicken farm, a classic car silhouette or a military coup d'état. We are an experienced team of consumer product professionals. We have lots of ideas. Our brains are overflowing, or crowded, if you will. Get it?Why do many of the world's top pop-culture brands come knocking on our door? Because they can see that our little ol' company, HQ'ed in lovely Monroe, WA, makes some of the coolest products out there- and we make their brand come alive through our thoughtful and innovative product design.. * Product Launches* Tradeshow Giveaways* Company Events* Company Branded Apparel and Gear* Employee Incentives* Customer Gifts / Retention and so much more!