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Auto-Truck-Motorcycle- Boat-Commercial- Home-Recreational Vehicle-Tag & Title Service. Auto Homeowner Motorcycle Condominium Umbrella Recreational Vehicles Renters Flood Trucks Golf Carts Watercraft Segway Commercial General Liability Commercial Vehicles Tag and Title Services SR-22 Notary Public FR-44 Full Coverage and State Required Minimum Insurance available Since 1982,Insurance World of Delray has been a family owned and operated agency. We have been providing affordable insurance to customers from all over south Florida. With over 29 years of experience in the insurance industry,listening and responding,we are able to custom tailor the best policies to fit our customers many individual needs. We have grown a dedicated team hoping to exceed your expectations for excellence and customer service. Our goal is to listen to you,and be the one and only company you will need to address all your insurance needs.