I had 2003 Saturn Vue vehicle towed to A Action Better Built Transmissions for a transmission estimate.
After the estimate came in too high, my wife and I paid for the estimate using a DISCOVER CARD in the amount of $599 + tax.
The owner, Al Petrassi, then asked to purchase the vehicle from my wife and I since we purchased a replacement vehicle in lieu of the repair. We agreed on an amount of $500. A contract was signed and a check was made out to me in the amount of $500.
Less than a week later, I received a lien letter in the mail from this company for an amount of more then $8,000+. They accused my wife and I of disputing the charge and selling a vehicle with a non-clear title.. They finally realized the disputed charge was for the same amount I paid, but was by a different customer on an AMERICAN EXPRESS. They had placed a lien on the wrong customer. In addition to the lien, they also canceled the check for payment of the vehicle.
They also stated that a ""lien"" was held on the vehicle by Ally, which used to be GMAC. I've since gotten notarized letters mailed to the company and to myself from Ally stating that the vehicle is free and clear and that they hold no interest in the vehicle. The State Title Tag Agency says all they need to do is present the letters with the title and everything will be valid. I have given them the title so even though I have the letter, too, I can't clear it.
However, the owner and his loyal employee will not return my calls or come to the phones to remedy this. All I am asking for is my $500 for the vehicle.
They are very nice getting you into the shop, but not returning a customer's phone calls after threatening the customer with a bogus lien is unconscionable. All I am asking for is my money for the vehicle.
I guess I have to go to small claims court and leave a review where ever I can so that others don't sell their vehicle or do business with Al and suffer the same repercussions I have.