This warehouse is devoted to a local music scene, often mostly comprised of punk music, but more recently expanding the type of bands they tend to book. I saw Mirah there somewhat recently, Calvin Johnson, and also Casiotone For The Painfully Alone. It's a somewhat grungy venue, but well worth it for the spunky atmosphere. To get into a show, you need to pay $2 for a membership that lasts for the entire year, in addition to the cost of the show. Once you are a meber, you have full voting rights about what goes on in the organization, and are invited to teh regular meetings that are held to run the organization. You may also volunteer to do various tasks for a show, and get in for free. This was ideal when I went to see CFTPA, as I was able to work the door during the first two bands (which I wasn't interested in hearing anyway), stamping hands, and then was able to get in for free to the second half. Get involved!