After mainly seeing traditional doctors in the past, I felt like there was a large hole in my care. If they couldn't fix something with a prescription, I was on my own. They never seemed particularly interested in getting to the bottom of anything. I have also tried naturopaths before who seem to have a pre-determined, complicated wellness philosophy/regimen that they expect you to adhere to, and/or they suggest procedures that I see as questionable from a logical standpoint.\r
After seeing Dr. Natasha and becoming familiar with her approach to health, I feel like the hole in my care has been filled. She is incredibly attentive and thorough which is a refreshing change from what I am used to. She looks at you as a whole person and takes into consideration all of the interconnected systems that can be effecting each other. As she identifies issues/problems, she responds in a constructive manner that takes your personal tastes/habits/routines into consideration. She makes dietary suggestions, but doesn't lecture you. She also has a logical approach that I find refreshing.\r
I am really glad that I found Dr. Natasha, and I look forward to having her involved in my healthcare for years to come.