I advertised with 1 yellow page 1. You all know the process already, they have some one calling you to schedule an appointment with a sales rep (and i was not to excited about it, i hate this kind of calls) and they explain to you their product in this first call, so you already have an idea of what to expect when they first come to you. As a Graphic Designer/ Web designer is a little hard to get jobs since there are a lot of designers out there. With this product I have received tons of calls for new clients and most of them have become my regular clients, I have open so many doors for my business through this product. I highly recommend it, they send the edition to the 10,000 houses they promised me and i could keep track of it, i have find also editions on the 711 for people to take. Every time i called to ask questions about my ad or plan payments they were always giving me a quick response, The design they did for me was PERFECT, exactly what i asked for, something that i loved is that they promise me that i was getting exclusivity in the edition.
An other point that i found extremely important is that this company works with this organizations call ARC which helps to find employment for people with disabilities, this can only mean for me that this are serious people that yes, they look out for their business and your business but they also have a good heart!