So, BJP on the ""few occassions you have had to use our store"" you state that you have spent ""thousands of dollars"" despite the rudeness, indifference and overpricing that you have had to endure. The actual truth about your spending pattern is as follows, on the 4th May 2005, yes 2005, you shipped two items to the value of $50. 44 at 4:49 in the afternoon, so please send check for the balance! (You are sure you are complaining about the right store?) We do have customers that spend many thousands of dollars in the aint one of em! Five years ago we rented the space we are in from Amstar the company that pays your salary, a space that had been empty for many years prior. Through sheer hard work, long hours and dedication to excellent customer service we have built a thriving business, now a spiteful, grumpy old lady with nothing better to do would like to ruin our reputation, well BJP let me tell you it is not going to happen!\r
1) We still do not subscribe to the particular FedEx return system you required, our choice.\r
2) We accept close to 20,000 FREE FedEx & UPS ""drop-offs"" every year, yes 20,000 all accepted without making a ""quick buck"" as you so nicely put it, no problem.\r
3) You are still telling us how to run our business.\r
4) You are still very irritating.\r
Now you require an apology for your ""bad experience"", a bad experience BJP is a death in the family, bankrupcy, foreclosure, losing your job or a car wreck, that is a bad experience. This is so much about nothing, you really need to get out more often and stop sweating the small stuff. Anyway hope your life takes a turn for the better soon, bad karma BJ, bad karma.\r
For anyone half interested in this sad little tale, BJ has taken the time and trouble to register posts about our store on four sites,...speaks volumes.
Pros: Best shipping store in Denver